The head of Epic Games spoke about the situation with Blizzard – players in Fortnite are not threatened by bans

The head of Epic Games spoke about the situation with Blizzard – players in Fortnite are not threatened by bans

Epic Games founder and CEO Tim Sweeney wrote that his company will not limit players in expressing personal opinions. He said that such a position also applies to political convictions.

Tim Sweeney:

“Epic upholds the right of Fortnite players and content creators to speak out about politics and human rights and freedoms.”

Journalist Jason Schreyer inquired from the head of Epic Games on Twitter how he would react to the player’s political appeal after the Fortnite match. As an example, he cited Turner’s esportsman Tfue Tenney and asked what actions the company would take if he said “Freedom to Hong Kong” in an interview. Sweeney replied that no sanctions would follow.

Earlier in the Hearthstone tournament, Chinese player Ng Blitzchung Wai Chung supported protests in Hong Kong. Blizzard disqualified him from the championship and removed the video of the statement. The Chinese office of the company said it was “disappointed” with what had happened and “will always respect and protect the honor of China.” Read the details of the political scandal in our material.


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