PS4 users have access to a new set of equipment in Fortnite

PS4 users have access to a new set of equipment in Fortnite

Players on PlayStation 4 can purchase a new set of equipment in Fortnite. Its cost will be ₽999, for this money the player will receive six cosmetic items.

The cube in Fortnite is one of the unsolved secrets of the game world. He appeared in the game in 2018, and then disappeared into the Podly Pond, making it a trampoline platform. Several times, mention of new cubes was found in the game code. The developer put the kit on sale, accompanied by a comment.

Epic games

Epic Games:

“Did the Cube always keep evil in itself, or did something defile it? Discover the darkness in yourself with the Evil Facets set. ”

Items in the set:

legendary equipment of the sinister Trump;

legendary decoration on the back “Playing Cube”;

the legendary equipment of the sinister Red Knight;

the legendary decoration on the back “Ominous Shield”;

rare equipment of the sinister Jonesy;

rare tool “Ominous Pickaxe”.

On the night of September 6, Epic Games released an update for Fortnite, which reduced the likelihood of the appearance of BRUT robots in 3-6 phases of the Storm in the main game modes and removed some weapons.


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