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Fortnite is addictive like cocaine – Epic Games wants to sue again

Fortnite is addictive like cocaine – Epic Games wants to sue again

The popularity of Fortnite has a downside – Epic Games often receives subpoenas. A new reason for the potential lawsuit was the excessive fascination of the royal battle. Montreal law firm Calex Lgal has requested permission to institute a collective. Let me remind you that the game was announced back in 2011, and very little… Read More »

Bots in Fortnite will have a unique appearance that distinguishes them from players

Bots in Fortnite will have a unique appearance that distinguishes them from players

Recently it became known that bots will appear in Fortnite, the purpose of adding which is to help beginners to get better at the game. The plot in Fortnite is extremely simple. Most of the planet was destroyed by a cataclysm, due to which strange creatures, like zombies, began to appear. The survivors called them… Read More »

Fortnite revenue quadruples since December 2018

Fortnite revenue quadruples since December 2018

Analysts at Edison Trends published the results of cost studies based on 375 thousand micropayments in popular online shooters. After completing the missions you will be given chests with loot: flash drives, photos, drawings. You can also break pinyats of varying degrees of coolness. All this is necessary to advance further in the plot. After… Read More »

Perhaps a second map will be added to the royal battle of Fortnite

Perhaps a second map will be added to the royal battle of Fortnite

In the Battle of Fortnite, new locations regularly appear or old ones change, but all this happens on a single map. Two years after the launch of the game, this may change – at least hints of a new map. The game is still in access. Unpleasant bugs are being finished, because of which it… Read More »

Nerf held the first Fortnite match in reality

Nerf held the first Fortnite match in reality

On September 21, on the Campus Loft site, in honor of the launch of the new NERFxFORTNITE blasters, Nerf organized a large-scale #BATLVREAL based on the Fortnite computer game that we wrote about earlier. Fortnite is a free-to-play cooperative action game in the open world “about zombies”, made in a cartoon style. Players have to… Read More »