Monsters for every taste: Fortnite skins leaked to the net

Monsters for every taste: Fortnite skins leaked to the net

Dataminers found images of new skins in Fortnite files that will be available during a special in-game event dedicated to. Among thematic images there were both new and slightly modified old ones.

According to history, as a result of a terrible cataclysm on Earth, an epidemic begins that turns people into the living dead. Panic and lawlessness reigns everywhere, and accidentally surviving people cooperate and somehow try to survive. You will find yourself in the role of one of the survivors, will shoot zombies and escape, waiting for the evacuation team.

Fortnite is primarily PvE in the classic performance of survival horror (survival in a nightmare). You will fight with zombies, look for ammunition and food, build a fort from improvised materials. And also look for stones, wood and metals from which to make walls, ceilings and stairs, construct a deadly trap for the living dead, repair your refuge, go through missions and get rewards, pump levels and find new weapons – do everything so that your hero survives and turned into a machine to destroy everything. Check out the official trailer (PvE mode):


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