In Fortnite show a small fragment of "Skywalker. Sunrise"

In Fortnite show a small fragment of "Skywalker. Sunrise"

At the last TGA 2019 Epic Games announced that it will show in the Fortnite exclusive clip from the film “Star Wars: Skywalker. Sunrise”. In addition, the game has already appeared in skins Rey, Finn and Attack aircraft.

a Demonstration scene of the film will take place on the in-game “Nightmare theater” today at 22: 30 GMT, but the developers advise you to come early and occupy seats. All participants will be presented with the glider TIE Whisper.

the show will also be the Director of the ninth episode of J. J. Abrams.

Fortnite available on all current platforms.

“Star Wars: Skywalker. Sunrise” kicks off movie on December 19.


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