Gearbox Launches Epic Games Fortnite Disk Edition

Gearbox Launches Epic Games Fortnite Disk Edition

Gearbox Studios, known for its Borderlands series, will be the publisher of the physical version of Fortnite, an action sandbox from Epic Games. The game will appear on retail in the European market on July 21, 4 days before the digital launch and about a year before the transition to the shareware model (the developers plan to take this step in 2018).

The disk version of the game will be available on all supported platforms – PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. A set of additional digital items, weapons and heroes will be included in the Founder’s Pack on the media (what exactly – has not yet been announced). Fortnite is not the first example of Gearbox publishing initiatives. The studio began its work in this field with the release of the Homeworld Remastered Collection last year, and then published Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition.

Fortnite was developed for six years, but only recently it was announced that the project was launched in early access mode. Players will have to pay from 1200 to 5000 rubles (depending on the publication). And only in 2018, if everything goes according to plan, a full launch will take place according to the model of shareware distribution.

The game is a mixture of the latest industry trends. It vaguely resembles Orcs Must Die !, only instead of hordes of orcs, there are cartoon zombies. Fortnite offers players the construction and defense of forts, obtaining containers with digital materials and collection cards, pumping heroes, developing the tree of skills and so on. You can read more about the game in our preliminary review.


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