Fortnite will receive a new map and subtitle Chapter 2

Fortnite will receive a new map and subtitle Chapter 2

Very soon, a full-fledged announcement of season 11 for the royal battle of Fortnite will take place, presumably this event will take place on October 13, 2019. Meanwhile, the first details began to pop up on the net.

We divide the gameplay into two parts: economic and practical. Let’s start with a practical one, which in turn is divided into three more phases. In the first, we run around the map, study it, complete quests, and also collect loot. It is worth paying attention that at the location you can break almost everything: trees, cars, buildings. All the resources that fall out during the destruction of the next house will be useful to us in the second phase. Here we are engaged in construction, which is one of the main features of the game, allowing you to erect any buildings. You can build from three types of materials: wood, brick and metal. You can erect floors, walls, ceilings and hang it all with traps. The construction mode is a 3 by 3 grid, when editing which you can get any variations. For example, removing one cell in the middle, you get a window, removing two cells, already a door.

In this way arches, small shelters are built. As soon as one cage is built, it will be possible to place traps on it, from simple stakes from the floor to catapults. They also need resources and drawings, according to which these traps must be crafted in advance. After this phase, the third comes: the defense of the fortress. This is where the most action begins. Players need to hold out for a while to complete a specific task. The tasks may differ, but basically the essence is the same: protect the object from zombies. A few waves with interruptions, changing attacks are all standard, but unlike other games of this genre, during this phase, the player will have to actively defend himself, and not just perform a creative function. In fact, we play third-person action. It is in battle that classes with their skills begin to reveal.


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