Fortnite Champions Series will play $ 5 million

Fortnite Champions Series will play $ 5 million

Epic Games has announced the Fortnite Champions Series team tournament with a prize pool of $ 5 million. Players from all platforms and regions will be able to compete for prizes.

The Fortnite Champions Series will begin on November 1 and will last four weekends. The final stage will be held December 6-8 online. The new competition season will also include weekly Cash Cup tournaments and special separate competitions for each platform.

Before the start of the competition season, the developers will launch the Warmup Champions Series event, which should become a “warm-up” for professional players on the eve of the main tournaments.

All competitions will be held on the new map, which became available with the release of the second chapter in Fortnite. Read more about the news of the season here.


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