Fortnite: All you need to know about the World Cup, impressions of M11Z and Daedra

Fortnite: All you need to know about the World Cup, impressions of M11Z and Daedra

The final phase of the three tournaments of the World Cup $ 30 million (Solo, Duo and Creative), as well as the Pro-Am Tournament will take place this weekend of July 27. Here’s all you need to know, as well as the impressions of two young French qualified: M11Z and Daedra (GamersOrigin).

The World Cup at $ 30 Million

Whether we like Fortnite or not, it’s hard to miss out on Epic Games’ $ 30 million World Cup announcement, which adds up to the $ 1 million awarded to the winners of each qualifying stage, the latter month.

The World Cup playoffs will kick off this weekend of July 27 in New York City. And francophone side, they are many to make the trip. From 14 to 24 years old, alone or in pairs, more than twenty francophone players will visit among a hundred players, some of whom are qualified in both tournaments at once. The creative mode will also have its place in the competition (with a French participant: Kouto, at MCES).

But that’s not all: Epic Games likes to see things big. This is why, in parallel with the World Cup, a new edition of the Pro-Am Tournament will take place. Organized at E3 2018 first, then at E3 this year as well, it brings together known players and entertainment personalities to play a fun and charity tournament. Content creator # 1 Ninja, who just released his first book titled “Get Good”, ironically failed to qualify and will focus on the Pro-Am Tournament. Other players will participate in both at once, like Airwaks. Names like Yoshi and Doigby will also be invited. Airwaks being the last champion of a Pro-Am Tournament, the player is closely followed by spectators from around the world.

For the final phase of each World Cup tournament, players will play 6 games before determining their final score, where they will earn a maximum of points. Each kill will give them 1 point and more will be obtained from the Top 25. Those who take the win will earn 10 points. Friday 26 will be dedicated to the Creative Tournament and Pro-Am; Saturday to the duos and finally, Sunday to the solos.

A few days before their departure, we collected at GamesOrigin the impressions of two French people who will go to New York: Rémy “M11Z” Lehoult, 22 years old and Clément “Daedra” Vaudin, 18 years old. They train full time in the gaming house of the competitive structure and obviously intend to make the best score possible.

Interview of Fortnite, M11Z and Daedra players

Gameblog: Can you begin by explaining to me your training for the World Cup playoffs?

M11Z: We arrive at the beginning of the afternoon, 13 hours we will say, we warm up on the PC, we have tournaments until the evening, late, around 23 hours maximum, so it makes us long days of ‘training.

It’s more intensive for this competition?

M11Z: For the World Cup, yes, we’ll say that. There are tournaments every day until we leave because even if we are qualified, we can participate in others.

When did you qualify?

M11Z: We qualified on weekend 4, which was quite early in the competition, since we were the first French duo to qualify for the World Cup.

What would be your main competitors in the tournament?

Daedra: I think it’s Airwaks and Nicof [players at Solary].

M11Z: It’s not necessarily that they’re favorites, but they’re more likely to fight, especially us, because they’re French-speaking. In itself, all duos are our rivals!

This will be your first trip to New York, how do you approach it?

M11Z: So … I do not like the plane, and it’s at least 8 hours by plane, I think, so we’ll see … I’ve never done that before.

Daedra: I’m in a hurry to be there, I can not wait.

Will your family follow your matches?

M11Z: If it’s not aired too late because of the time difference, for me, it’s expected they watch, yes. For my part, my father follows all the competitions, the same for my brothers. My family follows me a lot.

What would you say to those who say that a professional Fortnite player is not really an athlete?

M11Z: I would tell them they should try to participate in a tournament, because it’s very complicated, especially to become professional on Fortnite because there are many difficulties, even if the game opens its doors to everyone.

Epic Games often implements important changes just before competitions and has been criticized for that, is that the case on the eve of the World Cup?

Daedra: Basic, there was a change of season before the World Cup, but Epic released a statement explaining that it would be postponed to after the end of the competition.

M11Z: There was an improvement, it was time.


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