Chapter 2 Season 11 Merged Trailer for Fortnite

Chapter 2 Season 11 Merged Trailer for Fortnite

Trailer Chapter 2 Season 11 for Fortnite. Given that weapons, resources and ammunition will dry up and break down over time, to replenish ammunition you will have to spend time on grind, which can scare away a number of players. Cards that appear at the very beginning in huge numbers, after a couple of hours will cease to be easy prey. It is at this moment that you, according to the authors, should be seduced by the microtransaction system, which allows you to buy individual sets for real money. At the same time, Epic Games decided not to enrage people who paid their money for early access, and threw an armful of llamas. The purchase of more expensive piñatas and boxes is guaranteed to reward the owner with rare copies of the collection, whether it is a powerful rifle or a hero.

What is difficult to reproach Fortnite for is the performance of elements of game mechanics. Management of shooting, construction and crafting is done perfectly smoothly, as befits the Epic Games project. However, any original finds are indecently rare and much more often they try to stuff the game with completely empty fillers: save the survivor; collect some fragments of the crystal; find a first aid kit, etc. etc .. The process of presenting awards after each episode is often almost longer than the match itself.


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