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Go fishing and swimming: what's interesting in the new Fortnite season

Go fishing and swimming: what's interesting in the new Fortnite season

On October 15th, Fortnite kicked off the first season of Chapter Two – restarting the original ‘Battle Royale’ from Epic Games. In it, the developers introduced a new card, code-named Apollo, and also added some interesting mechanics, among which. Nevertheless, they play Fortnite on smartphones. Hundreds of rivals take a matter of seconds to select… Read More »

New Fortnite Chapter 2 Details

New Fortnite Chapter 2 Details

The second chapter of Fortnite appeared on all platforms and in all regions after the event The End, which dragged everything that the players loved in the game into a black hole. Epic Games did everything to make the mobile version absolutely identical to the console in terms of content – the same gameplay without… Read More »

Fortnite will receive a new map and subtitle Chapter 2

Fortnite will receive a new map and subtitle Chapter 2

Very soon, a full-fledged announcement of season 11 for the royal battle of Fortnite will take place, presumably this event will take place on October 13, 2019. Meanwhile, the first details began to pop up on the net. We divide the gameplay into two parts: economic and practical. Let’s start with a practical one, which… Read More »

Fortnite is addictive like cocaine – Epic Games wants to sue again

Fortnite is addictive like cocaine – Epic Games wants to sue again

The popularity of Fortnite has a downside – Epic Games often receives subpoenas. A new reason for the potential lawsuit was the excessive fascination of the royal battle. Montreal law firm Calex Lgal has requested permission to institute a collective. Let me remind you that the game was announced back in 2011, and very little… Read More »

Bots in Fortnite will have a unique appearance that distinguishes them from players

Bots in Fortnite will have a unique appearance that distinguishes them from players

Recently it became known that bots will appear in Fortnite, the purpose of adding which is to help beginners to get better at the game. The plot in Fortnite is extremely simple. Most of the planet was destroyed by a cataclysm, due to which strange creatures, like zombies, began to appear. The survivors called them… Read More »