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Gearbox Launches Epic Games Fortnite Disk Edition

Gearbox Launches Epic Games Fortnite Disk Edition

Gearbox Studios, known for its Borderlands series, will be the publisher of the physical version of Fortnite, an action sandbox from Epic Games. The game will appear on retail in the European market on July 21, 4 days before the digital launch and about a year before the transition to the shareware model (the developers… Read More »



Hey folks,Over the last several seasons you’ve noticed and reported cosmetic bugs that have slipped through the cracks. Thanks to this, we’ve been able to escalate and triage these issues so we can work towards fixing them. We want to let you know that we are actively working on addressing known issues that we’ve found… Read More »

Fortnite: Aliens and Cupids

Fortnite: Aliens and Cupids

As the D1 miner S1l0x scouted, in the upcoming update for Fortnite there will be at least two new skins. One of them will allow you to try on the green skin of an alien, and the second – to get into the skin of a charming girl-cupid. While there are many who question the… Read More »