Skill Kylo Ren and Zory Bliss added to Fortnite

Skill Kylo Ren and Zory Bliss added to Fortnite

Epic Games has added new skins from the ninth Star Wars movie to the ‘Battle Royale’ Fortnite. Now users are available images of Kylo Ren and Dawn Bliss.

Some games, despite the shareware model, do not feel like “free” at all. Successful implementation of this approach is one of the highest achievements of any developer. Dota 2, for example, is free, but it has almost no effect on its gameplay. To grow and develop in it, you do not have to invest. Fortnite, on the other hand, almost screams that she is f2p. She wants (and will) pull the rubber with all her might, trying to distract the player from this fact, but at midnight the carriage will inevitably turn into a pumpkin.

Earlier, we casually mentioned that heroes can be pumped. In fact – not only them. In general, everything is pumped: drawings for each trap and weapons for a couple with each survivor in the group. Each item must have a duplicate, a more successful “roll” with a better color coding. Hundreds of game skills, of which hardly half significantly changes the gameplay. An experience for heroes, blueprints and survivors – and these are all different currencies! Which go in addition to skill points, scientific glasses and premium “bucks”. Romero, there’s even chests (llam-pinyat with loot; the game thinks it’s funny) four different types!


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