Fortnite will add Ninja skin

Fortnite will add Ninja skin

Epic Games launches Fortnite’s special line of skins – Star Series.

Our nameless hero runs away from the crowd of brains and, as it were, accidentally stumbles upon a zombie-proof shelter, suspiciously successfully prepared just for such cases. A bunch of local assistant robots quickly bring an unlucky onlooker up to date and entrust him with the stronghold of the fight against the Storm. With all the attendant responsibilities.

The game is based on the good old tower defense, but with a slight deviation: the modular construction of fortifications. On top of this layer is meta-gameplay – the development of the base, arsenal, its own group of survivors and the systematic release of each of the four gaming regions from the yoke of the Purple Storm. These mechanics work perfectly and complement each other, but there are some drawbacks. Critical or not, it depends on your perception.


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