Fortnite Added New Star Wars Skins

Fortnite Added New Star Wars Skins

At Fortnite, preparations have begun for the upcoming Star Wars crossover. In the in-game store of the ‘Royal Battle’, the skins of the main characters appeared – Rey, Finn and the Sith attack aircraft. Themed gliders, emotions, flags and booties also went on sale. those who are.

In addition to valuable resources during the study of the game location, you will stumble upon abandoned mines, someone’s bomb shelters and even hiding places with chests full of treasures. From time to time, the player will be offered straightforward side quests. For example, to collect scattered audio records or the details necessary to repair an important device. Saving survivors is also one of the main tasks. If you hear that someone is calling for help, do not refuse to get into trouble. For their salvation, they will reward you with valuable prizes, and upon completion of the mission you will receive additional experience.

Building is an important part of the gameplay. You simply select the object to build, and then look for the place where you want to install it. At the same time, you can modify each object a little: choose the material from which to make it, build a window or door, and adjust the dimensions. For example, a standard wall of 3 by 3 cells can be reduced, leaving only the bottom three segments. Thus, instead of a wall, you will make a protective fence, through which you can easily jump over yourself, but it will hold back the brains for a while, making them easy targets. At the same time, you can build forts and fortifications in dozens of different ways. You can defend them from the ground, or you can shoot evil spirits from the built watch towers, you can use rocks and cliffs as natural fences, and you can build mazes where brains will stray for hours.


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