Apple Magic – Fortnite can now be played at 120k / s in any place convenient for you

Apple Magic – Fortnite can now be played at 120k / s in any place convenient for you

Epic Games has released an update of version 11.40 for the Battle Royale Fortnite.

The developers are definitely lingering in the past. Styling a video under a “found record” in 2017 is almost tantamount to retrograde. But this is only because, despite the popularity of concepts, they are rarely implemented at a decent level. Fortnite does it surprisingly well. How much Let’s just say: if you think that you will like it, most likely it will be so.

After an unknown cataclysm, an ominous violet haze called the Storm enveloped the planet. And, as if the climate was spoiled and the atmosphere was not good, the fog flooded the Earth with countless hordes of zombies. Or “brains”, according to Russian localization. The consequences of the sudden invasion of cute, but carnivorous creatures did not take long to wait: 97% of the population died out.


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